Emu Oil Salve Recipe
Today, we are going to be demonstrating my skin-nourishing, nutrient-dense emu oil salve recipe. This recipe uses an assortment of top-quality SMR skincare ingredients to create an incredible healing salve that I am confident you, your family and your customers will LOVE.
Below is a picture of our completed emu oil salve batch:

Within this emu oil salve recipe batch, we will be using SMR's fully refined pure emu oil, calendula infused olive oil and SMR's carrot seed essential oil. Each step will be explained in full detail below, with plenty of pictures to help you out along the way!
Our emu oil salve recipe will make a 2 ounce batch of finished product. A little of this high-end salve goes a very long way, so 2 ounces will be plenty for a large number of topical applications!
Below is a list of all the ingredients and key equipment you will need to complete our emu oil salve recipe formula:
- Emu Oil (Fully Refined) = 1.85 Ounce (52.45 grams)
- Olive Oil (Grade A) = 3 Ounces (85.05 grams)
- Calendula (Petals) = 1/10 Ounce (2.835 grams)
- Carrot Seed Essential Oil = 1.1 gram (approximately 45 drops)
- Small glass jar with watertight closure (SMR's 2 ounce emu oil is packaged in a glass jar that is perfect to use for this emu oil salve recipe!)
- Fine mesh strainer, cheese cloth or any cloth-like filter
- Bowl (Any size will do)
- Small mixing apparatus (you can use a plastic pipette, the handle of a spoon, a wooden skewer or a toothpick)
- Standard pipette
- Crockpot (Optional, but highly recommended)
- Scale (Preferably, one that weighs in ounces and grams)
* All of the above ingredients are available to purchase right here at soap-making-resource.com!
* All measurements mentioned within this recipe are weight measurements, not liquid measurements.
Below are the step by step instructions for making SMR's emu oil salve recipe...
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Step 1) To make our emu oil salve recipe, first we need to create the calendula infused olive oil that we will use within this batch.
Calendula infused olive oil is very easy to make. First, weigh 1/10 of an ounce (approximately 2.835 grams) of SMR's calendula petals into a glass jar. Make sure the jar you are using has an available watertight lid as we will need to fasten this on in a future step! Calendula petals are very bulky, so 1/10 of an ounce is really more than enough for this infusion!

Next, weigh 3 ounces of SMR's olive oil into the same jar that is housing the calendula petals. Remember, we are speaking in terms of weight ounces here, not liquid ounces.

Now, tighten a watertight lid securely onto the mason jar and set the calendula petals and olive oil mixture into a crockpot filled with warm water. Set your crockpot to a medium to high temperature level and allow this mixture to heat for 2 - 3 hours.

Occasionally shake your calendula petals and olive oil mixture to ensure that all the petals, at some point, become fully submerged within the olive oil. Don't forget, these ingredients will be very hot, so be sure to protect your hands when handling the jar!

Heating up the calendula petals and olive oil mixture will cause therapeutic components from the calendula petals to extract into the olive oil. As this infusion takes place, you will notice the hue and aroma of your olive oil begin to transform. In many ways, creating an herbal infusion is very similar to making an herbal tea!
Allowing the heat from the warm water within your crockpot to increase the temperature of your mason jar's contents is a great technique for applying gentle heat to your calendula petals and olive oil mixture. Unlike applying direct heat, by combining the ingredients into a pot and then heating the mixture directly on a cooktop burner, our demonstrated gentle heating method is far less likely to scorch your ingredients and is significantly less of a fire hazard. In fact, applying direct heat to oil over long periods of time (like the time that is required to create an infusion) is typically not a good idea! I highly recommend that you use our gentle method of heating your calendula petals and olive oil mixture as demonstrated within this tutorial.
Once your calendula petals and olive oil mixture has heated for 2 - 3 hours, we need to filter out the calendula petals. Using a fine mesh strainer or cloth-like filter, pour the calendula petals and olive oil through your filter, allowing just the calendula infused oil to drip into a clean bowl.

If you are using a cloth-like filter, be sure to gather all the calendula petals towards the bottom of the filter and squeeze this "calendula petal clump" to release as much oil as possible.

You can also squeeze the oil-soaked calendula petals between your fingers to further ensure that the majority of the oil has been removed from the botanical.

This step is especially important if you are using a stiff mesh filter as this type of filter will not allow you to gather all the petals together and squeeze them like you can with a cloth-like filter. No matter what kind of filter you use, it is pivotal that you remove as much oil as possible from the calendula petals.
Once you are confident that most of the oil has been successfully filtered from the calendula petals, set your calendula infused olive oil off to the side for future use. You can discard the used calendula petals or save them for a future project!

You will notice that even though we started out with 3 ounces of olive oil when creating our calendula infusion, once you filter out the calendula petals, you will predictably be left with quite a bit less than 3 ounces of calendula infused olive oil. Despite trying our very best to remove all the oil from the calendula petals, inevitably, a small amount of oil will indeed be lost due to the oil soaking into the botanical. Keep in mind, however, that we made more than enough calendula infused olive oil to complete this batch, so you do not have to worry about not having enough due to losing this small amount of oil.
Step 2) Now that you are finished making your calendula infused olive oil, we need to weigh out the emu oil that we will be using within this emu oil salve recipe. This batch requires 1.85 ounces (approximately 52 grams) of SMR's pure fully refined emu oil. Carefully weigh out this portion into a clean container. This emu oil portion will be the "base oil" within our salve to which other skincare ingredients will be added.

You do not have to melt down the emu oil before weighing it out. At room temperature (about 70 degrees Fahrenheit), your pure, fully refined emu oil will be thick, yet free flowing. For this small batch, we will simply "spoon" the room temperature emu oil into our tiny container of choice as shown in the picture above.
Step 3) Now that your emu oil portion is successfully measured out, we are going to incorporate the first of our skincare additives into this emu oil salve recipe batch; the calendula infused olive oil that we made in the very first step of this recipe! For this 2 ounce emu oil salve recipe, carefully add just .15 ounces (approximately 4.25 grams) of your freshly made calendula infused olive oil directly to your measured out pure emu oil base.

Now mix the calendula infused olive oil thoroughly into the emu oil until your entire emu oil salve recipe batch has a single uniform color.

To mix this very small batch, you can use a pipette (as shown above), the handle of your spoon, a wooden skewer, or even a toothpick!
After you incorporate the required amount of calendula infused olive oil into your emu oil salve recipe, you will have a decent amount of infused oil left over. Due to the nature of making botanical infusions, it is really not advisable to create a small batch of infused oil weighing only .15 ounces (approximately 4.25 grams) as you should have enough oil to adequately submerge the botanical. Also, your infused oil batch should be large enough to cover at least some of the surface area of your container which may aid in proper, even heating.
Want to learn how to make a complete calendula soap that is formulated with a much higher usage rate of calendula infused oil? Then click here now to check out SMR's very popular calendula soap recipe tutorial!
Keep in mind that if you don't plan on using your calendula infused olive oil right away, you can always store it in the refrigerator to help extend the shelf life.
Step 4) Next, we are going to incorporate the second, and final, skincare additive into our emu oil salve recipe batch: SMR's carrot seed essential oil. For this 2 ounce emu oil salve recipe, we will be adding 1.1 gram (about 45 drops) of SMR's carrot seed essential oil. This is approximately a 2% usage rate.

Now that SMR's carrot seed essential oil has been added to your batch, mix it thoroughly into the rest of your emu oil salve recipe ingredients. Again, if you are creating this very small batch that weighs only 2 ounces, use a small mixing apparatus here, like a pipette (as shown below), the handle of your spoon, a wooden skewer, or even a toothpick.

As shown all throughout this tutorial (including the picture above), we decided to mix the ingredients for this very small batch of emu oil salve directly within our finished product container. Because of this, we have no need to transfer our emu oil salve batch into any other vessel. If, however, you decided not to manufacture your product directly within the final packaging, but instead, mixed your formula ingredients within a separate "mixing container", go ahead and transfer your emu oil salve now into your final packaging of choice. Just make sure that you are extra diligent in ensuring that all of the salve has been successfully transferred to the new container. This stuff is definitely too good to waste!
Once your finished product is successfully packaged within your final container of choice, your emu oil salve project is officially complete!

We hope that you enjoyed this tutorial everyone! SMR's emu oil salve that we produced within today's demonstration, incorporates many advantageous skincare ingredients to create a finished product that offers a plethora of valuable epidermal benefits. I am fully confident that you, your family and your customers will LOVE the high-end salve that this formula produces! Who knows, this emu oil salve could even become your next big hit product. We truly hope that it will!
SMR's emu oil salve is a very versatile product that may be used to help improve the condition of numerous epidermal ailments including acne, eczema, psoriasis, chronic dry skin and many other skin disorders. This product may also be used to help in the healing process of minor cuts, scrapes and burns, while potentially minimizing scarring. Furthermore, SMR's emu oil salve is simply an all-around great natural moisturizer that will soothe, hydrate and nourish the skin.
Keep in mind that in warm weather, your emu oil salve may lose its thickness and adopt a relatively thin, almost liquid-like consistency. This is due to emu oil's moderately low melting temperature. Of course, the thinning of your emu oil salve due to warm climate conditions will not diminish any of your product's skincare benefits. If your product has indeed thinned, simply apply the salve like you would any liquid oil-based moisturizer! Once the salve is exposed to cooler temperatures, it will gradually thicken back up.
Thank you everyone for reading SMR's emu oil salve recipe tutorial. Remember, all ingredients used within this formula are available to purchase in bulk right here at soap-making-resource.com!
If you ever have any questions about this recipe, or any other recipes on soap-making-resource.com, please feel free to contact us. We are always more than happy to help!
Also, be sure to thoroughly explore soap-making-resource.com for more valuable homemade soap and topical product manufacturing information, including additional recipe demonstrations and picture tutorials.
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