Beeswax and Your Business:
How to Use Beeswax
to Grow your Company
Steve Czapla here with Soap Making Resource. I wanted to share with you a few of my personal business thoughts about beeswax and your business. Adding a product line (or two!) that includes beeswax could help grow your business and increase sales in a variety of ways. I hope that some of these insights and ideas will help your company and perhaps spark some creative business concepts that will help grow your business!

Making beeswax soap (or beeswax lotion bars, which I'll show you how to make here!), could open the door to a new customer base. Have you ever thought about reaching out to local honey producers and manufacturing soap and other skin care products made specifically with their beeswax? The small family apiary already has the supply of raw material and they may just be looking for the perfect expert (that's you!) who can manufacture a finished product for them using their beeswax. This could be a great wholesale, contract manufacturing or private label opportunity. Small bee farm operations are prevalent throughout the country, so there may be many prospects within this exciting market who want to find a great lucrative use for their beeswax byproduct.
Or, perhaps you can reach out to your local natural honey provider at the market where you already sell your soap! Try partnering up with them. You can sell soap and lotion bars made with their beeswax at your stand and consequently this could help the honey seller gain more traffic to their stand, especially if your beeswax soap does a good job at cross marketing your partner honey seller. Make an arrangement that's a win-win and you could develop a lasting business relationship that has mutual benefit. The honey stand can send people your way to buy your beeswax soap (and perhaps they'll pick up some of your other items while at your stand) and more people will potentially want to go visit the honey stand as they see beautiful all-natural beeswax soaps and lotions made with your neighbor's all-natural beeswax. Sometimes business is all about key partnerships!
Finally, label appeal is definitely a real thing if you are selling your product. Many consumers, especially in the natural market, love beeswax and they like to see it on their product's label! Offering a beeswax soap or other beeswax cosmetic products could certainly increase your sales.
Why SMR's Beeswax?
If you decide to use SMR's yellow beeswax (pastilles) to manufacture your beeswax products, below are some key benefits of our ingredient product:
- SMR's yellow beeswax comes in pastille (also known as granule or pellet) form. This means that the beeswax is formed into small beads making it easy to scoop or pour out your necessary beeswax portion. No chopping, grating or melting big blocks of beeswax to get what you need!
- SMR's yellow beeswax is 100% ready to use... instantly! Our yellow beeswax is pre-filtered and free from any unwanted debris. No straining required! Just open your bag of beeswax and use as needed.
- SMR's yellow beeswax is 100% all natural. As always, no synthetics are added to this product; ever!
I hope you enjoyed this article about beeswax and your business and found it to be helpful for your company! Here at SMR, we recognize that when you succeed, we succeed. We look forward to helping your business grow! Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments. We're happy to help!
Please be sure to browse to see our large selection of soap making supplies. Of course, you can also check out SMR's yellow beeswax (pastilles) on this website by clicking here. Finally, be sure to take a look at our many helpful soap and cosmetic manufacturing tutorials. I think you'll enjoy them!
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